Mighty To Save


PLEASE READ -Comments have been disabled because the system has been abused for far too long. If you abuse it, you loose it and I'm really dissapointed that it has come to this, because it restricts those whose intentions of leaving comments are good. But, if you do have any positive comments you would like to share, please mail me - i'd be really encouraged to hear what you have to say. I hope you understand the situation, this video was posted to share God's love and grace, not to cause endless fighting and arguments.

Please Read... I know the refernce should be 2 Chronicles 7:14, at the end,not 2 Corinthians 7:14. Sorry guys,!I already know about it so there is no need to message me about it =)

This is one of my favourite songs ever , the message is fantastic, it speaks of how God is mighty to save us and how is so mighty that he can move mountains.

Also, there is no copyright infringement intended here, just the spreading of Gods word.
Also, I don't own the bible verses, they're from God's word, which He wants the whole world to hear, so no fear of copyright there! Haha. His Word is unique :)



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