Todd Bentley - Angel Caught Hotel on FIRE


Todd Bentley said his ministering angel with feet of fire burned the hotel where he and his group were having "visitations."

by Revivalist Todd Bentley
(Excerpt) Feb. 24, 2004


You know, when you honor healing and preach healing you get healing! When you honor salvation and preach salvation, you get salvation. Did you know that? The Holy Spirit confirms the word with signs following. When you honor and talk about the supernatural or you honor and talk about angels, guess what starts showing up? Angels. You know why many of us don't live in the supernatural? It's because we don't have a mental understanding, openness or grid for it. We don't lift the level of our expectations of how much of God we can experience today. Somehow we have erected mental barriers or created limits for God's working in our lives. Some people believe this realm of experience is only for the prophet and only for the Ezekiel's or the Isaiah's. However, God really does want us to enjoy this supernatural realm—if Elisha could pray that the eyes of his servant (just a young disciple) would be open to see the angels, I believe that I can pray that God would open up your eyes so that you can see what the prophets see. It's biblical. We can live in that place.

Now let's see what the book of Hebrews tells us about this fourth dimension:
And of the angels, he says, "Who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire... Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:7, 14)

According to this passage, angels manifest as flames of fire and are ministering spirits sent to serve us. The minute you inherit salvation, angels are released into your life and ministry. In Hebrew the word minister means service, aid or relief.

You can read Todd Bentley's complete article on "Angelic Hosts" through my blog link on the main channel info page.


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