Break the Chains... Misty Edwards


He gave His Life, what more could He do, Oh, how He loves you, Oh how he loves you and me....

A little chorus I haven't thought of for many years. I'm hearing this morning in my spirit. How we see ourselves and how Jesus see's us, are two entireally different things. The word of God is right, that God had promised not to leave us or forsake us. That He didn't promise an easy road to walk on. What the enemy has done to me or you is to only try and damage what the Lord desires to do in us. For us to lead others to know Him. This was always such a burning desire in me, birthed from the Holyspirit the moment i gave my heart over to Jesus. I had no idea at the time the adversity that lay ahead for me.
These are difficult times, even more so for our children. I see where i have lacked discernment. Even though there have been wounds, there is till that childlike trust in me, that wants to believe that everyone desires for me good things. I want to freely give myself over to others, exsp. when I have inner feelings for them.
Despite all the mistakes, I do know now more than ever, that my saviour loves me. The enemy tries to destroy that, that desire to share God's love and grace in my life. I keep, dusting myself off, and even if i have to crawl back to His arms again.... i will. I know, the enemy can not rob me of this one thing. My SALVATION. My relationship with Jesus. He has robbed me of so many things, yet none of that matters, for I have Jesus in my heart.
I've been believing, that God desries to restore the ground in my life that has been robbed of me over these past years. I have felt the breath of the enemies mockery on the back of my neck. Before Jesus was crucified, he had to carry His own cross down the streets of where many scoffed and mocked him after all He had done. All the sermons, the healings, the love He shared to others. The enemy was there thinking he had won. Yet, Jesus, with all the power of heaven there to even rescue Him of this, He knew He had to endure this humility, so many would be saved of damnation. ( i'm crying)
As victorious as He was, when He was resurected from the grave! Halleluia, so shall my life and heart be resurected. He lives in me, He gives me life, when there is none to be found in this dying world around us. I have known that inner death, that feeling that there is no hope. It is so dark, so evil.
Jesus, brings me life, brings me hope, brings me light. There is nothing on this earth that can do this. Not people, not things, not medication, only Him.
when I walk through this new place that the Lord has allowed for me to purchase, every thing that this couple has done to it, it is like Jesus directed their hand. I feel so moved, for the fresh paint, the colours are my colours, so many things have been renewed, a new furnace, central air, new floors, new windows... etc... Even the little garden this young lady has taken time to grow in the back of the house, is such a blessing to me. Designed to give me hope, and a sense that Jesus loves me.
What I'm learning through all this is, never become proud, for there will always be someone or something to tear you down. Never besome to dependant on your income, your relationships, for they to can be removed. There is only ONE who you can really rely on, who will lift you up when you fall. Jesus, is All I need. It was that humilty that gave us life. My pride is my downfall, it is in humility He makes me more like Him. It is when i'm weak, He is strong. It is when i'm lonely, that He reminds me that I'm not alone. HE says, child... I love you more than you could ever imagine, Rest in my Love for you.
Thankyou Lord for speaking to my heart today,


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