Ferguson, Empathy, & Hope


What if we leaned in and listened?
Great article on peace: http://ow.ly/ET7bs
FREE audiobook here: http://www.jeffbethke.com/audible
Subscribe here: http://ow.ly/t8bDw

Especially in the Christian community, this is an opportunity for unity and reconciliation and to truly show the gospel has the power to unite and kill hostility. God loves all people, but it's clear through scripture and history that He has a particular place in His heart for the minorities, the oppressed, and the hurt. Last night, most of white America, Christians even, rather then stepping alongside and listening and engaging, simply made it worse by showing we do not understand. Praying we might lean in, and lean low in posture, and point to Jesus' power to reconcile.

Facebook: http://ow.ly/bMEPU
Twitter: http://ow.ly/bMEQd
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Site: http://ow.ly/bMERM
Email: jeffersonbethke@gmail.com


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