I Am Second® - Ken Hutcherson


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Ken Hutcherson
I was driven by hate. Driven.

One day, during a time of blatant racism and prejudice in America, a young Black boy was hit with the reality of who he was and who he'd become...literally. "My life changed that day," says Ken Hutcherson former NFL Linebacker. He grew up believing that, "White people can't be trusted," and this belief became an everyday boyhood battle that grew into war as a man.

Enduring segregation and discrimination, being told he wasn't good enough, having to sit at the back of the bus and being physically violated reinforced Ken's point of view. It forced retaliation. It forced hatred. "I was driven by hatred. Driven."

It wasn't until Hutcherson was hit with another reality that changed everything. He was told who he really was and who he'd really become. He was told who "they" really were and that they weren't White people alone. He saw that hate was not the way. That's when he learned to Love. And that is the power that changed him. "Love changed me."


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