What To Do When You Don't Feel God | Jefferson Bethke


Encouragement for when you don't feel God
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Facebook: http://ow.ly/bMEPU
Twitter: http://ow.ly/bMEQd
Instagram: http://ow.ly/nkV7K
Site: http://ow.ly/bMERM
Email: jeffersonbethke@gmail.com

I'd love to come to your area! Help us out by filling this out: http://ow.ly/c9oJL

PS just got a new mailbox! Feel free to send me anything (big fan of whole bean coffee lol jk) at address below:

Jeff Bethke
1402 Lake Tapps pkwy SE
STE 104 #110
Auburn, WA 98092

**PS all! If you enjoy this channel, would you consider supporting it? Giving away signed books, posters, thank you video's, etc in return! Love you guys & appreciate this crazy awesome community we got here! You all rock. Support here: https://subbable.com/jeffersonbethke


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